The SCDPAC Company is a group of dancers selected by audition or placement to represent SCDPAC in our local community and the dance industry at conventions and competitions. This is a group of talented and dedicated dancers that have a PASSION for DANCE. Our goal is to develop skilled dancers through technique, teamwork, discipline and above all, fun. Being selected for Company is an honor and should be treated as one. Company is fun to a part of and you are expected to work hard and fulfill your commitments.
SCDPAC has three levels of Company. Each one has a different level of commitment, requirements and level. The three levels of Company are Performing, Competition and Elite.
Performing Company
Designed for the beginning/intermediate dancer who has less than three years’ experience in competition. This is designed for an entry level dancer to gain confidence and compete at a beginning to intermediate level. They also will perform at local events throughout the year. (Fairs, school functions, community events, retirement homes). They will compete at THREE competitions, depending on company placement, as well as Nationals. They will also have the chance to attend a convention and the opportunity to do class with master teachers. There will be separate class/rehearsal for each performing company.
Through this company we hope that our dancers will improve their dance technique, confidence and creativity as well as build teamwork.
Competition Company
Designed for the dancer who would like to compete more and has strong work ethic, technique & commitment. They will also perform at some of the same events as Performing Company. Competition Company will attend 5 competitions as well as Nationals. They will be required to do at least TWO conventions this season - No exceptions. They will attend all master classes at the studio and get the opportunity to work with guest choreographers. There will be separate class/rehearsal for each competition company. Competition Company will be learning their choreography during the summer session, so you MUST be here for the summer.
The Competition Company demands more commitment from the dancer and family.
Elite Company
Designed for the dancer who excels at a specific style and is handpicked by the choreographer. They will perform at events & compete. Elite Competition Company will attend 5 competitions, as well as Nationals. They will be required to do at least THREE conventions this season...no exceptions. They will attend all master classes at the studio and get the opportunity to work with guest choreographers. There will be separate class/rehearsal for each Elite Competition Company. The Teen Elite Company may be asked to become a Dance Captain for a Performing or Competition Company. This position means we see potential in them as leaders. Elite Company will be chosen by the choreographer of Elite Routine; this may be a studio teacher or an outside choreographer.
Placement will be at the sole discretion of the choreographer and Company Manager.

Featuring performing, competition, & elite teams